
Legal information

Frankfurter Personenschiffahrt Anton Nauheimer GmbH

Primus-Linie, Mainkai 36, 60311 Frankfurt, Germany

Registered Office/District Court Frankfurt HRB 21724,
purchase tax identification number: DE114151634.

Managing Director: Anton Nauheimer, Dr. Marie Grabianowski-Nauheimer

PRIMUS INFORMATION + TICKETS +49 (0) 69 / 13 38 37 - 0 / -12
PRIMUS Charter Service +49 (0) 69 / 13 38 37 - 11 / -21
Fax +49 (0) 69 / 13 38 37 -26
e-mail mail@primus-linie.de
Internet www.primus-linie.de
Landing Stage Frankfurt Mainkai/Eiserner Steg, Telefon: +49 (0) 69 / 13 38 37 - 0
Landing Stage Wiesbaden-Biebrich   Rheingaustraße, in front of the Biebrich Castle
Landing Stage Mainz Am Fischtorplatz / Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer
Landing Stage Ginsheim An der Fähre

The European Comminssion provides a platform for online mediation which can be found here: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
Our contact email address is mail@primus-linie.de
Frankfurter Personenschiffahrt Anton Nauheimer GmbH does not participate in dispute settlements at a conciliation body for consumers.

Legal disclaimer:
The court decision of May 12, 1998 (District Court of Hamburg) states that companies are responsible for the content when implementing links to external websites. This responsibility can be annulled when the company clearly distances itself from any content of the externally linked page. The Frankfurter Personenschiffahrt Anton Nauheimer GmbH hereby emphasises that it has no influence and responsibility for any content and design of linked websites. The company is, therefore, not liable for the accuracy of content and any damage that might be incurred thereon. By way of precaution the Frankfurter Personenschiffahrt Anton Nauheimer GmbH distances itself from all contents to embedded links. This declaration is valid for any link contained on this website.